Tuesday, July 2, 2019

If Your Car Key is Stuck in Your Ignition, Here’s What to Do Next

It’s a situation that you probably didn’t see coming that has the potential to be a nightmare that ruins your day. Whether your key had already been sticking a few times in your ignition lock when you tried to start your ignition, or there were no warning signs preceding the problem, having your key get stuck in your ignition lock is always frustrating. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your work’s parking garage, a random parking lot after shopping for groceries, or your own driveway, a stuck car key always requires immediate attention. Before attempting any of the following moves, make sure your parking brake is engaged to prevent your vehicle from moving.

Step One: Keep Calm

It’s not unheard of for a car key to get stuck in the ignition, but if it happens to you, it might cause you to become anxious and even panic. This is especially true if you’re not sure what to do next and you’re stranded, such as in the middle of the night. However, panicking will only lead you to think and act irrationally. There’s no need to damage your ignition cylinder or steering wheel column, even if you’re in a time crunch. Instead, take a few deep, centering breaths and keep reading.

Step Two: Check to Ensure the Transmission is Set to Park

Most vehicles have a safety measure in place that prevents your key from being removed from the lock if your transmission isn’t in park. If your vehicle is older and your ignition system is beginning to wear down, this setting may become a little finicky. Ensure that your ignition is set to park and not hovering between two settings. If you’re lucky, this will be all it takes for your key to free itself. If not, move on to the next step.

Step Three: Check for a Locked Steering Wheel

Another safety feature of most modern vehicles is to lock the key in place when the steering wheel is engaged. If you were applying pressure to your steering wheel at the same time that your ignition system shut off, there’s a chance that the steering pin is still keeping the lock engaged. This protects your vehicle from moving at the wrong time. If you suspect that a stuck steering wheel might be the root of the problem, trying wiggling the wheel back and forth while applying a moderate amount of pressure to the key itself, using any free space you may have around the key to move that as well. This might kick the mechanism loose and free the key.

Step Four: Try to Identify Any Obstruction

Use your phone or a flashlight to look around where the key is inserted into the lock in order to determine if you can see any visible dirt or debris that’s causing the key to get wedged inside. Sometimes, dust and dirt can transfer into the ignition lock and compact, causing an obstruction that can get your key stuck. Usually you won’t be able to reach this obstruction and may need to contact a locksmith.

Step Five: Use Moderate Force to Free the Key

If all else has failed, your last attempt before calling a professional involves using a moderate amount of force to free the key. If you have a pair of pliers or a wrench handy, you can enlist one of these tools to help give you additional leverage. Grip the key and try wiggling it back and forth, putting a significant amount of pressure on it in each direction. It’s important not to use too much force, as keys are more delicate than they look and may snap off in the lock itself. 

Friday, May 31, 2019

Importance of Panic Bars for Commercial Properties

Panic bars are a common installation on many commercial properties due to the many factors that make them a cost-effective, injury-preventing safety device. A proper building emergency plan should include having panic bars on all of your doors. This article aims to explain what panic bars are and why they’re to integral to a building’s emergency prevention measures. There are many factors that make panic bars a cost-effective, irreplaceable investment for your business.

What Are Panic Bars?

A panic bar, also known as a crash bar, is a door opening device that is commonly found on the doors of many commercial properties in Glen Ellyn, IL, and all around the country. It’s a horizontal metal bar containing a spring mechanism that is affixed to an exit door. You’ve probably seen and used them many times without realizing what they were called. The purpose of panic bars is to allow the door to easily open when the bar is pushed. A panic bar allows for a faster and easier exit than traditional door handles or knobs. Some panic bars have an alarm system attached. This type is generally restricted to emergency exits. Many buildings utilize panic bars on all of their exits, because they also offer.

Panic bars not only allow for an easy exit, but they also work on aspects of human psychology. During an emergency situation, it’s crucial that people be able to exit quickly and safely, no matter how many people are in the building at the time. Panic bars allow for the free flow of traffic out of your building. In an emergency, this prevents panic because people can see that those ahead of them are exiting the building quickly, without impediment, they will be less likely to panic. It’s important to prevent any panic or unnecessary anxiety that may lead to a stampede. These reactions are built into our basic instincts as living creatures, just like many animals. Stampedes have caused many injuries and even deaths in the past, and so panic bars were created to prevent this from happening. Since the widespread use of panic bars began, these types of incidents have drastically decreased.

Why Panic Bars Are Necessary

There are many reasons why panic bars are so important for your commercial property. Here are just a few of the reasons why these simple devices are so crucial if you want your business to be as safe as possible. It’s no fluke that you see panic bars on most commercial properties nowadays, from restaurants to shopping centers. No matter what type of exit door your business uses, panic bars can be installed on them, including double doors. It’s recommended not only to install panic bars on your emergency exits and front door, but every exit in your building.

They allow for many people to exit quickly to safety.

In the event of a fire or another emergency that requires evacuation of your commercial property, panic bars can allow many people to easily exit in a fast manner. If your building has more than ten or twenty people in it at any given time, panic bars are strongly recommended. During an emergency, every second counts, and anything preventing people from quickly leaving is a potential hazard. Most panic bars a feature that allows them to be “dogged,” which allows the door to swing open no matter where on its surface a person applies pressure. 

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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Keyless Entry System Benefits

Many people are familiar today with keyless entry. This is becoming more and more popular as technology continues to advance. Often times, apartment buildings or condos will require one to enter a passcode or scan a card to gain access. Some offices use keyless entry. Even vacation resorts take advantage of keyless entry – did you know that Disney World now uses a device called a “Magic Band” to allow access to their theme parks? The primary idea behind keyless entry systems is that a key is no longer required. 

Locksmith Glen Ellyn is based in Glen Ellyn, IL and offers keyless entry as a service to customers. There are certainly pros and cons to this sort of system, but it seems as though the pros outweigh the cons. Here, we will take a look at some of the benefits of keyless entry systems. This will provide insight as to why this system is so popular today!

Why Go Keyless?

There are many reasons why keyless locks are so popular and why one might consider going keyless. It’s actually relatively affordable. You might be looking at just over $30 for a vehicle security remote start/keyless entry locks plug install, for example. A Kwikset electronic keypad deadbolt lock might run just under $80 on Amazon. People are often impressed with how low-priced keyless entry systems are. So, now that you know keyless entry could fit into your budget, let’s take a look at why so many people are going keyless. 

1.      This system offers additional security.
Keyless entry allows for only specific persons to be able to enter a property, so unauthorized individuals are prevented from gaining entry to your property. With keyless entry systems, you don’t have to remember who has a key, and you don’t have to worry about a key being stolen and copies being made. The peace of mind offered by keyless entry is wonderful.
2.      With keyless entry, you don’t have to worry about scratching up a car door or front door.
It is so easy to scratch up your car if you go to put the key into the lock. If it’s dark out, you might not be able to see well enough to avoid scratching the car. The same can be said about building entry.
3.      Keyless systems offer convenience to those who use them.
Carrying around several keys presents numerous problems. Let’s say that the average person walks around with a house key, office key, mailbox key and gym key. Too many keys can put weight on your ignition cylinder while you are driving. Too many keys can mean that one is easily misplaced. That’s one type of inconvenience that having too many keys presents. Now let’s say you are fumbling around with your keys to try to get into your car while it is pouring rain. You don’t want to get soaked! If you have keyless entry, you can simply enter a code or scan a card. Doesn’t this seem like a much more effective solution than digging around for keys? With cars, you can push a button and the car door is unlocked. You don’t even have to remember which key is for what.
4.      Keyless entry can let you know where your employees are, and when.
Keyless entry systems do more than just keep unwanted persons out of your property. They can also help you to keep track of certain individuals. This might be useful for a business. It is always better to be safe than sorry. If you own a large commercial property and have many employees to keep track of, this is one way you can do this. If something were to get stolen, you might have a better idea of who was in that specific room. 

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